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April 25th, 2013

Can a worker injured in a crane accident sue the crane operator?

A: The answer depends on specific state laws as well as whether the crane operator is the employer. Under general workers’ compensation principles, workers are usually barred from bringing tort or negligence claims against employers. Both Pennsylvania and New Jersey follow this principle. So, a worker injured in a crane collapse accident in Pennsylvania or New Jersey would generally be barred from suing his or her direct employer. Read more about heavy equipment accident lawsuits.

However, in crane collapse situations, many different (non-employer) companies may be liable for the accident, such as:

  • crane maintenance companies,
  • crane and crane parts manufacturers, distributors and retailers, and
  • other contractors on the site.

Because the facts and legal circumstances of each case vary, it is important to have any potential construction accident case reviewed by a work accident lawyer immediately. Crucial evidence should be preserved in order to ensure success in a subsequent crane accident case.

Pennsylvania and New Jersey Construction Accident Lawyers

Jeff Laffey is passionate about workers’ rights and accident safety. Last year, he gave a workplace safety presentation to union members in Philadelphia.

Jeff’s law firm proudly represents union and nonunion workers, such as:

  • carpenters,
  • plumbers,
  • electricians,
  • steel workers,
  • iron workers, and
  • laborers.

If you or a loved one was seriously hurt or killed in a construction accident, contact our Pennsylvania and New Jersey construction accident lawyers for a free, confidential consultation. Our lawyers accept cases in other states such as New York or Delaware on a case by case basis and welcome calls from local counsel. Call (215) 399-9255.

Disclaimer: The lawyers at Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan provide quality legal advice to individuals after accepting their case. No attorney-client relationship is created by this website. Nothing on this site is intended to provide legal advice. Because every case is unique, discussion of prior outcomes and settlements in past cases is no guarantee of a similar outcome in current or future cases.