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April 24th, 2013

Child Sex Abuse Prevention – Repeated Background Checks of Day Care Center Employees, Teachers, Etc.

Increasingly it seems more and more teachers, day care center employees and other school employees are being arrested for and convicted of child sex abuse related charges. From crimes such as possession of child pornography to rape, parents are becoming rightfully alarmed.

The silver lining is that news exposure of such cases often gives courage to other victims of sex abuse.  A victim who suffered child sex abuse may be more likely to step forward when he or she sees or hears that the perpetrator is accused of having abused another child.

In addition, increased media attention encourages parents to open the lines of communication. This is, in reality, the first line of defense against child sexual abuse – talking about appropriate behavior with your children so that they understand what to do if they see or experience abuse.

The Penn State sex abuse scandal put Pennsylvania under a microscope last year. As a result of that scandal, the Pennsylvania legislature and Governor Corbett commissioned the Pennsylvania Child Protection Task Force which presented its recommendations late last year. One of the recommendations was requiring renewed background checks for those who work with children every 2 years. Read these tips to keep your kids safe from abuse at day care.

The Importance of Repeated Background Checks at Regular Intervals

Child sex abusers often operate on a continuum. People don’t, just out of the blue, suddenly abuse children sexually. The perversion usually begins with thoughts that may lead to viewing child pornography. Then the person may begin looking for access to children, such as at schools or children organizations by either volunteering or applying for a job. From there, initial interactions with children may seem innocent and eventually progress to sexual abuse.

In the context of schools, day care centers, etc., a would-be child sex abuser may clear a background check when he or she initially obtains employment. However, weeks, months or years later, that person may be charged with possession of child pornography or similar crimes. If the employer does not perform subsequent background checks, they may be exposing children to the risk of both physical and sexual abuse.

Related day care sex abuse articles:

Day Care & School Sex Abuse Lawyer. Representation by a Former Prosecutor

Firm founder, Guy D’Andrea, is a former sex crimes unit prosecutor who now represents victims of sexual abuse in the civil courts. Read more about PA and NJ sex abuse lawyer Guy D’Andrea here. For more information about day care or school sex abuse cases, click here.

Our attorneys serve sex abuse victims in the following areas: Allegheny County, PA; Berks County, PA; Bucks County, PA; Chester County, PA; Delaware County, PA; Lehigh County, PA; Montgomery County, PA; Northampton County, PA: Philadelphia County, PA; Atlantic County, NJ; Burlington County, NJ; Camden County, NJ; Cumberland County, NJ; Gloucester County, NJ; Salem County, NJ; New Castle County, DE; he County, DE; Atlantic City, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Pittsburgh, PA; Newark, NJ; Doylestown, PA; Media, PA; West Chester, PA; Norristown, PA; Camden, NJ; Wilmington, DE; Newark, DE; Georgetown, DE; and New Castle, DE. Our lawyers can obtain special admission in other states such as New York and Delaware on a case by case basis.

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