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September 18th, 2012

What is a pain and suffering claim in a Pennsylvania medical malpractice lawsuit?

What is a pain and suffering claim in a Pennsylvania medical malpractice lawsuit?

A: Claims for pain and suffering in any injury or tort case are supposed to compensate a party who has been injured due to the negligent acts of another person. In a medical malpractice case, the negligent party may be a doctor, surgeon, specialist, and/or a hospital.

Pain and suffering damages include things like physical pain and discomfort, mental and emotional pain, stress, embarrassment, and more. In medical malpractice cases, pain and suffering also includes things like worsened outcome caused by the negligence.

However, pain and suffering damages are unique and personal to the plaintiff, or patient. In addition, each case differs in terms of the damage caused by the negligent acts. For example, the pain and suffering of a mom, with young children, whose chances of recovery are lessened significantly due to a misdiagnosis of cancer, will differ from the pain and suffering of an elderly man who required additional treatment due to a doctor’s negligence in treating a stroke.

For more information, access my article about pain and suffering damage claims in a Pennsylvania medical malpractice lawsuit.

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Published: September 18, 2012