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January 19th, 2013

Sexual Assaults in Apartment Complexes – Beware of Sex Offenders

Sex Offender Registration – Check with Local Authorities to Find Registered Sex Offenders Near You

People who are convicted of certain sex related crimes are required to register with local authorities as sex offenders. States vary in terms of the length and extent of registration requirements. These registrations are public records, and many registrations can be viewed via state police websites.

Click here to access the Pennsylvania State Police sex offender registry.

Click here to access the New Jersey State Police sex offender registry.

Being vigilant is important, especially if you have children. It is important to know whether you live near a registered sex offender. This applies to people who live in homes and apartments alike. Last year, a man sexually assaulted a child under the age of 13 in an apartment complex in Pennsauken, NJ (www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Man-Sexually-Assaults-Child-in-Apartment-Cops–136851948.html). It’s unclear whether he was ever arrested.

Also, because the number of people who live in apartment complexes can be high, and because of high turnaround with renting, it is important to conduct searches on a periodic basis.

In some cases, when crime occurs at an apartment complex, the landlord, security company and/or the property management company may be held liable. Read more about landlord liability for sexual assault of tenants and guests. Liability is premised on negligent acts, such as:

  • lapses in security, such as broken window locks,
  • improper lighting,
  • faulty door entry systems, or
  • negligently hiring or retaining a known criminal.

If you have been the victim of a sexual assault in an apartment complex, hotel or motel, it is best to speak to a knowledgeable negligent security liability and injury lawyer to discuss the facts of your case and determine the viability of a civil lawsuit.

More from our Sex Abuse Victims Legal Rights Law Library:

Sexual Abuse Victims Attorney & Advocate

Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan handles sexual abuse cases in the Northeast area with offices in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. Attorneys at the firm are licensed in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Firm partner, Guy D’Andrea, is a former sex crimes unit prosecutor who now fights for victims’ rights to obtain justice in civil cases. The firm has the resources and experience to handle sex abuse cases in all states and welcomes calls from local counsel about potential cases. Click To Call

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