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April 24th, 2014

Pennsylvania Man Charged with Supplying Alcohol for Teenage Party in Montco

Maryland Supreme Court Hears Arguments to 2023 Child Victims Act

Earlier this month, a Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania man was charged with over 100 counts related to supplying alcohol for his daughter’s birthday party. Lafayette Hill is a suburb of Philadelphia. He has been charged with:

  • 1 count of Recklessly Endangering Another Person,
  • 43 counts of Corruption of Minors, and
  • 61 counts of Selling/Furnishing Liquor to a Minor.

The party allegedly occurred in March. Police arrived at the party and found an underage boy in the grass vomiting. The teen was treated at a local hospital.

Related: NJ Alcohol Accident Law Update – Auto Insurance Policy Held to Apply to a House Party Alcohol/DUI Accident

According to the local District Attorney’s office, police officers found roughly 60 underage minors and a large amount of beer. The homeowner (father) was present in the home at the time. Source: www.philly.com, “Montco man charged over beer-fueled Sweet 16 party”

Criminal Charges Related to Serving Alcohol to Minors in Pennsylvania

As illustrated by this recent alcohol case in Montgomery County, PA, adults who supply alcohol to minors may be charged with Corruption of Minors, Reckless Endangerment and Selling/Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor.

Corruption of Minors is a first degree misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison/jail and a fine (maximum of $10,000).

Reckless Endangerment is a second degree misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of 2 years in prison/jail and a fine (maximum of $5,000).

Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor is a third degree misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of 1 year in prison/jail and a fine (maximum of $2,000).

Related: Pennsylvania & New Jersey DUI Accident Law – Liability Beyond the Drivers

Civil Liability for Supplying Alcohol to Minors in Pennsylvania

In addition to potential criminal charges, an adult who supplies alcohol to a minor can also be held liable in a civil court of law. The basis of a civil case is injury to another individual. Therefore, the potential plaintiffs in civil alcohol cases may include:

  • a party attendee who suffers alcohol poisoning,
  • an individual injured in a DUI car accident caused by a party attendee,
  • a party attendee who injures themselves in a DUI car accident,
  • a party attendee who otherwise injures themselves, and
  • an individual injured by a party attendee.

An adult who provides alcohol to minors may be ordered to pay financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering damages. Learn about whether homeowner’s insurance applies.

Related Alcohol Accident News: NJ Bar Loses Liquor License After Underage Customers’ Fatal DUI Crash

Alcohol Liability Lawyers

Our lawyers represent individuals injured in alcohol related accidents. Please call our office for a free consultation. Call (215) 399-9255.

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