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February 20th, 2024

Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan Attorneys Discuss Transition to Co-Managing Partner Model with The Legal Intelligencer

In a recent article in The Legal Intelligencer, Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan founder Jeffrey Laffey and partner Guy D’Andrea discussed the firm’s adoption of a new leadership model. D’Andrea was recently elevated to the role of co-managing partner, leading the firm alongside Laffey.

Laffey explained that this model better positions the firm to pursue development projects while maintaining an active litigation roster.

“It doubles the opportunity for good ideas to come to fruition,” Laffey said. “Despite my best efforts and good intentions, having a single managing partner who’s also conducting trials and has a full caseload, it was fertile ground for letting good ideas die on the vine.”

D’Andrea had proven his leadership capabilities when he led the firm’s recent office move and its project to go paperless. He noted that sharing management responsibilities with younger lawyers shows them that their insights are valued, providing an incentive to stay at their current firms rather than start a new practice.

“That mentality not only attracts talent,” D’Andrea said. ”Why would I leave if I’m already doing everything I would want to do if I left?”

Read the full article here: With an Eye Toward the Future, Two Phila. Personal Injury Firms Switch to Co-Managing Partner Model (subscription required)