Philadelphia Sex Trafficking Victim Lawyer

The trafficking of individuals to perform forced prostitution and other sexual acts against their will has increasingly become a problem here in Philadelphia.

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, they received 1,080 signals that year here in Pennsylvania alone, 341 of which they confirmed were from individuals who were human trafficked. At least 153 of those cases were sex trafficking ones.

While we hope that you’ve found safety if you’re reading this, we know how long the road to recovery can be for individuals who were unsuspectingly taken away from everything they once knew, moved to a new area, and forced to work in the sex trade. Getting back on your feet once again will likely require you to first get help to cope with what you’ve been through, and each Philadelphia sex trafficking victim lawyer on our team is ready to help you do just that.

Our work together begins with a confidential consultation in our office. That meeting is free and aims to apprise you of your rights to hold those who took and held you against your will, making you do things you didn’t want to liable for their actions. If you’re ready to discuss your options, send us an email or call our law office, Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan, to be connected with an attorney now.

Pennsylvania Trafficking Victim Demographics

The National Human Trafficking Hotline compiles demographic data for all sex and labor trafficking victims in PA. Their most recent data shows that, in 2021, the following was true:

  • An overwhelming majority of the victims were adults (129); however, another 42 were minors subjected to this sexual abuse
  • Most victims were females (154), whereas only 17 were males
  • Numbers were split about half and half in terms of how many of the trafficking victims were U.S. citizens (15) versus foreign nationals (17)

Where Sex Trafficked Individuals Are Forced To Work

The same National Human Trafficking Hotline resource shared above discusses where sex trafficking victims in PA end up being forced to work. Those venues include:

  • Illicit massage parlors and spa businesses
  • Residences, perhaps including in brothel-like settings or as to-your-door escorts
  • Hotels or motels, perhaps as prostitutes or to-your-room escorts
  • Truck stops
  • In other cases, traffickers place online ads without trafficking victims’ consent and send them out to other venues or have them work in the pornography industry

They may also be forced to work at bars, nightclubs, and strip clubs as well as different types of beauty salons.

Meet Our Attorneys

Legal Options Available to You as a Trafficking Victim

Now that you’re no longer living a life of forced labor, you may find it challenging breaking free from the binds of your past and moving forward in a more positive direction.

While police and prosecutors will take care of filing any criminal charges against the person who took you against your will and held you captive, Pennsylvania law allows crime victims like yourself to file a civil action to recover compensation for everything they went through.

Compensation You May Be Eligible To Receive by Filing a Lawsuit

As you’re well aware, as a former human trafficking victim, traffickers aren’t great caregivers. Lingering medical concerns are unaddressed, which may mean that you have untreated sexually transmitted diseases acquired from your customers that need to be treated.

Additionally, if your trafficker provided you with alcohol and drugs to help you persevere your captivity and long workdays, you may have developed a dependency on one or both substances that you need professional help to address.

And, if you’ve faced physical or verbal abuse in addition to regular unwanted sexual assaults you’ve been forced to endure, it’s likely that you may have significant mental health concerns to work through with a counselor in therapy.

Each of the aforementioned is an example of different concerns that you may want to confront head-on but need the financial resources to do so. A Philadelphia sex trafficking victim lawyer can certainly help you do that by assisting you in filing a lawsuit.

How We Protect Your Rights as a Sex Trafficking Victim

Since we regularly handle these types of cases, we’re well aware of the unfortunate stories about how they came to be trafficked, the harsh treatment they were forced to endure, and the often harrowing stories about how they finally escaped their life of sexual servitude.

In working with sex trafficking victims like yourself, we’re well aware of the impact this type of forced labor and loss of control over your body can have on you. We know that rebuilding trust so that you feel safe among others and improving your self-esteem so that you can become a productive member of society will take serious effort.

We want to be there for you to not only help you navigate community resources available to you to help you rebuild your life, but want to ensure you have the financial means to do so.

If you’re ready to discuss what happened to you and get back on your own two feet once again, you can fill out our confidential online contact form or call us at Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan. We’ll connect you with a Philadelphia sex trafficking victim lawyer who will help you understand which resources are available to you and how we can help you secure the compensation that will allow you to achieve the best possible outcome on your path to recovery. We look forward to speaking with you.

  • $9 million

    A car crash resulting in a passenger suffering permanent quadriplegic injuries

  • $2.5 million

    An on the job injury where an union carpenter fell on a construction site and was injured because of defective fall protection equipment

  • $2.5 million

    A workplace accident on the job resulting in below-the-knee amputation of the plaintiff’s right leg

  • $1.1 million

    Against a fraternity for negligently serving alcohol which resulted in a stabbing assault of two frat party attendees

  • $101 million

    The collapse of a parking garage at the Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City that injured over 30 construction workers on the job and killed 4 men working on the project (largest construction accident settlement in U.S. history).

  • $15 million
  • $117 Million

    Against a Christian Board School and other defendants that allowed horrific acts of sexual and physical violence against the young children in their care.

  • $12,500,000
  • $9,900,000
  • $7,500,000

    Union carpenter sustained serious shoulder injuries when he fell after stepping on another contractor’s debris

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
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