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April 25th, 2013

I slipped on trash left on the floor of a restaurant. Do I have a case?

A: Pennsylvania slip and fall accident laws may allow someone in this situation to bring a tort claim against the restaurant if and only if it can be shown that the restaurant was negligent in allowing the thing that caused the accident to remain on the floor. In addition, in fall accident cases, depending on the circumstances, other parties may be liable such as a maintenance company.

Every accident case is unique and other factors such as the statute of limitations may be an issue. Therefore, it is important to have a potential case reviewed by a fall accident lawyer. Notwithstanding, under Pennsylvania fall accident law, simply allowing an item of trash to remain on the floor, in and if itself, is not likely to be considered negligent. Negligence in this type of situation may be shown with evidence that employees knew of the trash for a sufficient period of time prior to the accident yet failed to clean it up.

Related post: Slip & Fall Accident Liability Due to Debris on the Floor

Negligence might also be shown via circumstantial evidence, i.e., trash on the floor was a common problem in the area where the accident occurred and restaurant management knew this yet made no attempts to rectify the problem.

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Philadelphia Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

The law firm of Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan has helped many slip and fall and trip and fall accident victims. The firm offers a FREE, INITIAL consultation. Contact our Philadelphia slip and fall accident lawyers. Click To Call. Our lawyers can obtain special admission in other states, such as New York or Delaware, on a case by case basis.

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