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Primary Office

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1100 Ludlow Street, Suite 300
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
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Based in Philadelphia with a nationwide practice

We’ve litigated in the following states.

125+ Years of Experience &
Over $400 Million Recovered

$8.5 Million

A construction accident involving a union roofer who was working without fall...

106 Million Dollar Settlement

Against a Christian Board School and other defendants that allowed horrific acts of...

$9 million

A car crash resulting in a passenger suffering permanent quadriplegic injuries

$7.5 Million

Against a correctional facility for negligently supervising a guard that physically...

$2.75 Million

Dock worker run over by a forklift at a cruise ship terminal causing catastrophic...

$13 Million

Work accident resulting in an above the knee amputation of the worker’s leg

Our Awards