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June 1st, 2015

Chester County Pennsylvania Private Schools – Student-Teacher Sex Abuse News

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Chester County Private School Teacher Sentenced for Sex with Student

A Chester County, PA private school teacher has been sentenced to probation after being convicted of two counts of corruption of minors. The school is an exclusive all-boys private school located in Exton, Pennsylvania, roughly 30 miles outside of Philadelphia.

The teacher, Sarah O’Neill, had a sexual relationship with a 16 year old student that lasted almost a year. O’Neill had been employed for roughly 7 years before she was asked to resign in June 2014.

According to local police, the teacher had sex with the student at various motels in the Chester County area over the course of 10 months. The “relationship” began in January 2014 and continued even after the teacher was asked to resign in June. She was subsequently arrested earlier this year.

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According to a local news report, a school employee found the teacher and teen in a dark, locked classroom on three occasions. It’s unclear whether that employee, a school custodian, reported what she’d seen to school officials and if so, when. O’Neill resigned in June after school employees found a love note from O’Neill to the student left in the school printer. However, she continued to have contact with the teen. It was alleged that she even picked him up from school even though he didn’t have permission to leave school grounds.

She was ultimately sentenced on 2 counts of corruption of minors and received a 5 year probation sentence which includes a sex offender assessment if deemed appropriate by the probation office. Source: www.nbcphiladelphia.com, Chester County Teacher Accused of Having Relationship with Male Student.

Chester County Teacher at Another Private School Placed on Leave for Unauthorized Contact with Student

Another private school teacher in Chester County is accused of inappropriate contact with a student. A teacher at a private school in Malvern has been placed on administrative leave because of alleged phone contact with a student. No charges have been filed, and it’s unclear if the contact extended beyond the phone. Source: 6abc.com, Malvern Prep Employee Placed on Leave after Allegations Involving Student.

More: Elementary School Principal, Suspected of Sex Abuse of Students, Commits Suicide

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